holistic health

What EXACTLY does psychosomatic therapy have to do with body language?

WELL .. psychosomatics has a LOT to do with body language...Who is the person inside the polished performer?

WELL .. psychosomatics has a LOT to do with body language...

Who is the person inside the polished performer?

Psychosomatic therapy and Bodymind communication has EVERYTHING to do with body language.

The way you express yourself cannot be hidden when you really look at body language.

If you truly understand yourself, the intricacies of your own body movements, and your inherent conditioning, you can drastically improve the way you effectively communicate and relate to others.

Utilising THE SECRETS OF BODY LANGUAGE you can become much more aware of gestures in yourself ,and others, to REALLY understand the true message someone is communicating.

Instead of reacting to a person’s body language, you can understand the real message, including where exactly this message is coming from, then communicate with your body accordingly. As you become more aware of your own body language talk you become more confident with your communication, and in yourself, which automatically makes other people feel more comfortable around you.

The simple fact is a person’s body and movements may be saying one thing, while their words are saying something quite different.

Where the movement comes from in their body means something.

Which part of the body is being used or held back.

The side of the body being used.

Even a certain part of the finger or hand means something completely different, depending on the exact point it is touching on the body.

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